Seven Types of Pronouns | Parts of Speech

In this article, we will look into all types of Pronouns.

Pronouns are majorly divided into 7 Types :

  1. Personal Pronouns
  2. Indefinite Pronouns
  3. Relative Pronouns
  4. Intensive Pronouns
  5. Demonstrative Pronouns
  6. Interrogative Pronouns
  7. Reflexive Pronouns
1. Personal Pronouns

Personal Pronouns are associated with a particular person. For example I, me, she.

2. Indefinite Pronouns

If there is a situation where you do not want to indicate an exact person or place you can use indefinite pronouns
For example

a. Anybody, anyone, nobody b.Every, all both c. Some, enough, many, much

Let’s look into sentence examples of them

  • Somebody ate my sandwich.
  • Everyone says she is beautiful.
  • Does anyone know what’s happening here? So remember when you do not want to project any exact person or thing use them.
3. Relative Pronouns

They refer to nouns that are mentioned previously. It may be a person, place, thing, or idea.
They can be used to join two sentences
For example:
Who, whom, which, whomsoever, whose

Now, let’s look into the sentence examples of them.

  • The cyclist who won the race trained hard.
  • The police needed details that could help identify the robber.
  • This is the place where we met.

So, relative pronouns are used in place of nouns that were referred to previously.
Let’s look into the next category of pronouns.

4. Intensive Pronouns

They Emphasize a noun or pronoun and provide more importance to a sentence

For example: Himself, herself, yourself, themselves, ourselves

Let’s look into the sentence examples of them

  • He himself is responsible for the situation.
  • Jennifer sewed her dress herself.
  • We built a garden shed by ourselves.

So, intensive pronouns are used to emphasize nouns or pronouns. Let’s look at the next Pronouns.

5. Demonstrative Pronouns

They are used to point something specific within a sentence.
They focus attention on the nouns that they are replacing.
For example
This, That These, Those, such

Let’s look into the sentence examples.

  • This is a white cow.
  • These are my books.
  • Such a pen costs two rupees.
6. Interrogative Pronouns

It is used to begin a question. It is used to make asking question easy
For example
What, which, who, whom and whose

Let’s look into the sentence examples of them.

  • What do you want for dinner?
  • Which color do you prefer?
  • Who is going to take out the trace?
    So, remember, if those interrogative pronouns are used when asking the question
    Now, let’s look into the last type of pronoun.
7. Reflexive Pronouns

They are object pronouns that we use when the subject and object are the same nouns.
These are the ones that end in “self” or “selves.“
For example Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself

Let’s look into the sentence examples.

  • I asked myself to calm down.
  • He wanted to impress her, so he baked a cake himself.
  • You are too young to go out by yourself.

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