In this article, we will learn how to write solve a Reading Comprehension.
First, we will learn what is Reading Comprehension? Then, we will look at the tips to solve a Reading Comprehension, and finally, we will understand it with an example.
What is a Reading Comprehension?
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the content of the given passage and to draw a conclusion from it.
Here, the author will give his point of view from different angles for a particular topic, and you have to understand
and to draw out a conclusion from it.
To test what you have comprehended or understood from a passage, a set of questions will be given to you, and you have to solve it.
You must have strong command in vocabulary and grammar to understand Reading Comprehension or in short RC and to solve this type of questions.
There are two kinds of questions asked in exams, MCQ-based and descriptive.
Steps to Solve the questions :
- Skim: Read the passage fairly quickly to get a general idea.
- Scan: Read again, this time in a little slow manner, to know the details.
Underline the keywords and sentences. Also, you may create a quick mind-map of the passage. - Solve: Take one question at a time, Study the question thoroughly.
Turn to the relevant portions of the passage, read them again, and then write the answer.
Type of questions in Reading Comprehension :
- Question-related to the central idea of the passage.
- Question-related to the conclusion of a particular paragraph.
- Question-related to providing the suitable title of the passage.
- Questions related to Voculabulary, like Synonyms meaning Similar words, Antonyms meaning Opposite, or
Using the word in another way. - Questions on context
- Opinions and facts type question
- Characteristics of the writer.
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